19 September, 2024
Home Archive by category afg_news (Page 6)

Gunmen killed two people in Kabul.

Kabul police say gunmen killed two people in the 8th district of Kabul at 8:00 pm on Thursday, June 10, and arrested five people in connection with the incident. Kabul police spokesman Ferdaws Faramarz said two people were killed and three others were wounded in a “criminal incident” in the Wahdat Valley area of ​​Kabul’s […]

Mohammad Mohaqiq to the UN Security Council: Recognize the genocide of Hazaras and sanction the perpetrators.

Mohammad Mohaqiq, leader of the “People’s Islamic Unity Party” of Afghanistan and senior adviser to President Ashraf Ghani on security and political affairs, says the UN Security Council should sanction the perpetrators by recognizing the killing of Hazaras as genocide. “UN Security Council must take precautionary measures to prevent the killing of Hazaras in

Attack on deminers leaves 10 deads

Interior Ministry spokesman Tariq Arian says Taliban gunmen entered a demined camp and fired on deminers around 10pm on Tuesday, June 8th. Arian says initial reports indicate that 10 people were killed and 14 others were injured. The incident took place in Darwazakan area of ​​Sheikh Jalal in the central Baghlan district. The Taliban have […]

Zalmay Khalilzad, with his accompanying staff Has just started new phase of travels to Kabul, Doha and the region.

US State Department has announced that Zalmay Khalilzad, the US Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation, has begun a new round of travel to Kabul, Doha and the region with his entourage. The State Department added that Mr. Khalilzad will meet in Kabul with government leaders, politicians, and civil society organizations, including women, to discuss the […]