COVID-19 updates for Saturday, 5. June: 41 Deaths and 1273 new Cases

Ministry of Public Health announced on Saturday (June 5) that 41 Corona’s patients had died in the country in the last 24 hours.
This is the highest death toll since Coronavirus outbreak in the country.
According to the Ministry of Public Health, 1,273 new cases were identified overnight. This is the result of testing 3,346 samples suspected of having Corona.
And 140 patients with Covid-19 have been cured during the last 24 hours.
With registration of these figures, The total number of Covid-19 cases in Afghanistan has increased to 79,236, alongside with, the total number of corona deaths has increased to 3,145.
The number of Covid-19 patients in the country has increased over the past week. Meanwhile mortality from Covid-19 disease has also increased during this period.